***************************** Using Preconfigured Calendars ***************************** There are a few preconfigured Timeboards that come with the package. They implement common business day calendars of different countries. To access calendars of a country you have to import the country module from :py:mod:`timeboard.calendars`, for example:: >>> import timeboard.calendars.US as US Then, to obtain a Timeboard implementing a required calendar, call the class for this calendar from the chosen module. Usually, the class takes some country-specific parameters that allow tuning the calendar. For example:: >>> clnd = US.Weekly8x5(do_not_observe = {'black_friday'}) :py:meth:`parameters` class method returns the dictionary of the parameters used to instantiate the Timeboard. Of these, the most usable are probably parameters `start` and `end` which limit the maximum supported span of the calendar:: >>> params = US.Weekly8x5.parameters() >>> params['start'] Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00') >>> params['end'] Timestamp('2020-12-31 23:59:59') The currently available calendars are listed below. Consult the reference page of the calendar class to review its parameters and examples. =============== ====== =========== =========================================== Country Module Calendar Description =============== ====== =========== =========================================== Russia RU |RU-W8x5| Official calendar for 5 days x 8 hours working week with holiday observations United Kingdom UK |UK-W8x5| Business calendar for 5 days x 8 hours working week with bank holidays United States US |US-W8x5| Business calendar for 5 days x 8 hours working week with federal holidays =============== ====== =========== =========================================== .. |RU-W8x5| replace:: :py:class:`~timeboard.calendars.RU.Weekly8x5` .. |UK-W8x5| replace:: :py:class:`~timeboard.calendars.UK.Weekly8x5` .. |US-W8x5| replace:: :py:class:`~timeboard.calendars.US.Weekly8x5`