*************** Release Notes *************** timeboard 0.2.4 =============== **Release date:** June 25, 2022 Resolved issues --------------- * Fixed changed in import path for Iterables. * Tested compatibility with Python 3.9, 3.10. timeboard 0.2.3 =============== **Release date:** May 01, 2020 Resolved issues --------------- * Incompatibility with the breaking API changes introduced in pandas 1.0 Miscellaneous ------------- * Russian business day calendar has been updated for 2020. timeboard 0.2.2 =============== **Release date:** May 01, 2019 Resolved issues --------------- Breaking changes were introduced in pandas versions 0.23 and 0.24 * Pandas 0.23 moved `is_subperiod` function to another module * Workaround for pandas issue #26258 (Adding offset to DatetimeIndex is broken) timeboard 0.2.1 =============== **Release date:** January 15, 2019 Miscellaneous ------------- * Business day calendars for RU, UK, and US have been updated timeboard 0.2 ============= **Release date:** March 01, 2018 New features ------------ * :py:meth:`.Interval.overlap` (also ``*``) - return the interval that is the intersection of two intervals. * :py:meth:`.Interval.what_portion_of` (also ``/``) - calculate what portion of the other interval this interval takes up. * :py:meth:`.Interval.workshifts` - return a generator that yields workshifts with the specified duty from the interval. * Work time calculation: :py:meth:`.Workshift.worktime`, :py:meth:`.Interval.worktime` Miscellaneous ------------- * Performance: building any practical timeboard should take a fraction of a second. * Documentation: added :doc:`Common Use Cases ` section. It is also available as a :download:`jupyter notebook `. timeboard 0.1 ============= **Release date:** February 01, 2018 This is the first release.